February 20, 2009

Evangelistic Grasshoppers can become Evangelistic Giants

Evangelistic Grasshoppers can
become Evangelistic Giants
Daniel Courington

Numbers 13:33 “And there we saw the Nephilim… and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them."

Do you have a grasshopper complex? Do you see a lost and dying world and feel defeated before ever starting? Are you afraid to speak up simply because you feel that no one will listen? From a physical standpoint, the ten spies that came back with the report were correct. After forty days of spying out the land that flowed with milk and honey, they were well aware that the Nephelim people were created as physically superior people. They were convinced that battling these people would lead to certain defeat and many casualties. They forgot to insert God into the picture. God can turn an unfair fight into a sure victory. This is not to say that we will win every evangelistic battle; it is to say that with God, we will ultimately win the evangelistic war!

When we are dealing with worldly people, we are dealing with them in their back yard and on their terms. The fight, on the surface, does not appear to be a fair one. We, like the Israelites, frequently forget that God is with us when we are seeking to fulfill His desires. We forget that God has ensured his faithful children that they will see victory. We forget that if God is with us, no one can stand against us. We forget that, if handled properly, we have a weapon, a shield, and a helmet that cannot be destroyed. As a good friend of mine frequently repeated; “We are a forgetful people.” Have you forgotten the command of evangelism in your life?
Matthew 26: 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Having been reminded, let us take on a new vigor for lost souls. Let us become renewed in Spirit for the growth of the Lord’s body. Let us take on the world with a new outlook. Let us take up our crosses daily and follow after Him (Luke 9:23). Let us be transformed instead of conformed (Romans 12:2). Let us love the word of God more thoroughly than any desire to protect some world-centered position or reputation of popularity. Let us draw up our Bibles as weapons and let us begin to slay Satan in our communities. Let’s invite our neighbors to church. Let’s let our lost family members know that we care for their souls and we want them to know the truth. Let those who once thought as a child, put away childish things and concentrate on the things that are above. Let us no longer look to the world as grasshoppers look to giants. Let us view the world as giants, knowing that with Christ all things are possible!

I pray for the Lord’s People to have the zeal and desire to tell others about Him

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Theoretica said...
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